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Today, I looked into the intradistatic strabismus through Cheongju proposal.Speaking of strabismus, many people put priority on cosmetic disorders, but in fact, treatment of strabismus should put more priority on preventing amblyopia due to reduced visual function than on improving cosmetic disorders.Visual stimulation in the wrong direction may not be transmitted to the brain, which can cause part of the brain to degenerate into amblyopia, so it is important to check for strabismus through Cheongju ophthalmic examination and treat it early.

As I told you earlier, the treatment for introspection can be done by correcting the abnormality of flexion by wearing primitive glasses so that the eyes do not exercise too much when looking at objects at short distances. Therefore, if you have controlled internal strabismus due to primitive conditions, early detection through medical examination at Cheongju ophthalmology is most important.If you don’t use primitive glasses early on, the eye concentration is repeated and the internal strabismus is increasingly constructed, and even if you wear primitive glasses, all internal strabismus disappears. This strabismus is called “partial adjustment internal strabismus.”

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The eyes of children aged 0 to 5 are often concentrated. I often visit Cheongju Ophthalmology to inquire if my child lives there.Many parts vary depending on race characteristics, but in most cases, the skin between the eyebrows covers the white flesh inside the eyes because the eyebrows are far away and the nose is low, so it is often a “pseudostrabismus” that looks like strabismus.Our eyes usually do a three-step exercise called “near vision complex” to see things in close range. First, the eye converges toward the object, secondly, the focus of the eye is adjusted to the object, and thirdly, the light is adjusted as the pupil becomes smaller.In the case of pseudo-endotropia, it looks like a strabismus on the outside, but when examined at Cheongju Ophthalmology, both vision development and eye movement are normal, so the skin that hides the white flesh inside the eye is pulled and returned to normal.However, it may be an actual internal investigation. A typical example is intradiostatic strabismus, which occurs when there is a high degree of proto-degree without knowing it and missing the treatment period. Today, Cheongju Ophthalmology is going to look at the child strabismus that can occur in young children, and the controlled endostigmatism that occurs in primitive children. What is controlled endosterectopia?Hyperopia is an eye that has an image of an object on the back of the retina and can be seen far away, but cannot be seen near. The primitive child is accompanied by excessive regulation and convergence of the eyes in order to overcome the primitive and obtain a clear image, and his reaction is the principle of internal strabismus. What is the treatment for intralateral tilt?Cheongju First Ophthalmology 47-2 Dae Farm Road, Heungdeok-gu, Cheongju-si, North Chungcheong Province (Fukdae-dong)In the case of fully controlled intra-stereoscopic vision, the treatment ends with only the reduction of the original glasses in the process of growing after wearing the original glasses, but in the case of partial controlled intra-stereoscopic vision, the amount of strabismus remains after wearing the glasses.Therefore, it is important to visit Cheongju Ophthalmology to see if there is any protostasis or if the protostasis decreases by wearing protostasis glasses. You should check the differential diagnosis of intra-infant strabismus, falsetral strabismus, and nerve paralysis.Controlled endotropia usually occurs in about 2 percent of the total population between the ages of 2 and 4.When the protoplasm is found in refractive examination (usually +2.00 diopter or higher), the internal strabismus disappears or decreases when you wear the protoplasmic glasses without the protoplasmic retabismus is called regulatory internal strabismus.When wearing primitive glasses, if the strabismus disappears completely, it is categorized as completely controlled internal strabismus, and if the strabismus does not disappear, it is categorized as partial controlled internal strabismus.Please make sure to check if there is a strabismus in Cheongju ophthalmology regulation.Cheongju First Ophthalmology The first choice for my eyes, Cheongju First Ophthalmology www.firsteyeclinic.co.kr50m NAVER Corp. More / OpenStreetMap Map Data x NAVER Corp. / OpenStreetMap Map Controller Legend Real Estate Street Town, Myeon, Simultaneous, County, District, Country